un elenco degli indirizzi utili per programmare un viaggio in barca
Le pagine Meteo di VOL
Televideo RAI Bollettino del mare
L'Europa vista dal satellite
Servizio Meteorologico Regionale dell'Emilia Romagna - CINECA
Regione Emilia Romagna - Che tempo fa
Università di Modena - Osservatorio Geofisico
Provincia Autonoma di Trento - Bollettino Nivometeorologico
Over the Top Meteo
Telpress meteo - previsioni sull'Italia
CSP - Centro Supercalcolo Piemonte - Weather Service
Centro Geofisico Prealpino - Varese
Centro Nivometeorologico della Regione Lombardia
Il Monte Analogo - Meteo
SAR - Servizio Agrometeorologico Regionale per la Sardegna
N. GELFI homepage
WXP Weather Processor / Purdue University
WXP / Purdue / European Center for Medium Range Weather Forecasts
WeatherNet / University of Michigan
Weather World / University of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign)
The Daily Planet
Weather Information Superhighway - NWS Tallahassee, Florida
FSU Weather Service / Florida State University
NWS - National Weather Service
Meteo France (versione in inglese)
Meteo France (versione "solo testo" in inglese)
Meteo France (versione in francese)
Meteo France (versione "solo testo" in francese)
Meteo France - Centro di meteorologia marina
SKYLINK - Images Météo
The UK MET.Office
Meteosat and NOAA receiving station at GRTR / Strasbourg - France
European Center for Medium Range Weather Forecasts - ECMWF
DWD - Deutscher Wetter Dienst
ZAMG - Zentralanstalt für meteorologie und geodynamik - Austria
Das Deutsche Klimarechenzentrum - DKRZ
Georgs Wetter-Zentrale
The Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute - KNMI
Meteosat images from Nottingham University
University of Edimburgh - Department of Meteorology
Università di Colonia - Istituto di Meteorologia
Institut für Meteorologie der Freien Universität Berlin
University of Reading - Department of Meteorology
Institut Jozef Stefan (Lubiana) - Europe and North Africa Weather
British Atmospheric Data Centre (BADC)
NERC satellite station - Dundee University
Meteosat Service Homepage - Universidad Pública de Navarra
Gold Coast Weather - Weather Charts for the World's Ocean Regions
World Climate Data
EUMETSAT - European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites
ESA/ESOC - European Space Operations Centre - Darmastadt
WMO - World Meteorogical Organization
GOMS - Geostationary Operational Meteorological Satellite
American Meteorological Society
The Unidata Program Center (University Corporation for Atmospheric Research UCAR)
ESO - European Southern Observatory
Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies - COLA/IGES
The Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute
Royal Meteorological Society
NOAA top page
US National Geophysical Data Center
US National Climate Data Center
NOAA Climate Diagnostics Centre - CDC
NOAA/CDC Map Room Weather Products
GCPS - Global Climate Perspectives System
NOAA /PMEL - Live Access to Climate Data
US National Data Buoy Center
WMO/IOC DBCP - Data Buoy Cooperation Panel
"El Nino" Theme Page
Penn State University Weather Pages
Penn State University Weather Pages (versione "solo testo")
WOCE - World Ocean Circulation Experiment
NIC - NOAA Information Center ftp server
oceanweather inc.
Freese-Notis Weather.Net
CNN Weather Main Page
NBC News / Intellicast
USA Today - Weather
BBC weather page
The Weather Channel
NJO - New Jersey Online Weather
Universal Weather and Aviation, Inc., Houston HQ
World Wide Airport Information / European TAFs METARs & SIGMET